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    Writer's picture: Erin Love's Monthly ReadingErin Love's Monthly Reading

    Ancestors just outside of Nature. This month the Ancestors and Allies draw our attention to how we have stepped outside of our true nature. There is a call to come back in to alignment with our authenticity and our most natural selves.

    What does this mean for you? Have you been taking time to tend to your true self, your inner light or have you been holding space first for others? Perhaps you've stepped to the left or to the right of your true and nourishing nature? Maybe there are subtle ways that you are not aligning with your essence and giving it expression?

    Allow yourself to step back in to alignment with what is good and true within you. When this alignment occurs, you have access to the magic of nature, within and without. Personal healing takes place effortlessly.

    The key is to surrender to being at home with this alignment and rest in it. Let it feed you.

    This month our wake up call comes from the stars. It's a shift of seasons and a shift in the heavenly light. Begin a sacred dialogue with the nature from above. Be in the light of the stars, even our star the sun, and consciously absorb the frequencies. This is another way to be spiritually sustained.

    Your heart of devotion should not serve the shadows of your life or home. Your heart of devotion wants to serve the Earth, belonging and creativity. Make sure you are not being unconscious about your service. Remove the obstacles and choose your service wisely. "Whom do you serve?" asks the Goddess.

    What anchors you this month is love and the heart that follows a clear path on which abundance guides the way. Enjoy the foundational solidity that love brings.

    Within the family, you are being encouraged to find your voice. As you do this, you can facilitate a radical and peaceful transformation that will surpass the mind and create a new, and better family structure. Can you speak to what you are creating in your family? If your family can't hear you, then you can speak to your Ancestors. They will always listen to you.

    Whatever limiting beliefs you have around your innate wildness and precious instincts are ready to be released now. Simply let them go and embrace an instinctual frequency.

    In your relationship (with other or with yourself if that is primary), you are invited to bring in embodiment, sensuality and to consciously create and tend to this.

    Finally, the Ancestors and Allies are reaching out a hand to our communities right now. Take that hand and partner with them and your inner spiritual sovereignty to bring in healing. Your resources with them are affirmed.

    April ritual suggestion: Create a sacred ritual container in the natural world by calling in your true self and the Ancestors and Allies. Bring an offering of water to a tree. Ask for the help of water, nature and these Allies to address the unconscious shadows that you serve and dispel them. Declare your service to something higher in their presence. Your life will be empowered in this service. If it feels right or necessary to you, and you would like the ritual to have more potency, gather some close friends together and declare your service together. When you are finished, offer your gratitude and thanks for the help received.

    To schedule a personal divination or shamanic healing, please go here.

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    Writer's picture: Erin Love's Monthly ReadingErin Love's Monthly Reading

    Ancestors in Nature. This month points to a radical transformation and a "greening" of our souls. As we move into Spring, our eyes can open and we can befriend Nature to make the changes we need to make.

    What are we shedding? What will be left behind in this transformation? What is rising up? We don't even know yet. All that is required of us is the willingness to not resist new life by holding on to the old.

    Our source of grounding and power is our levity. That's right: we need to lighten up! Lighten up in our approach to visioning and in connecting to the Ancestors and Allies. Being serious is not a requirement for deep connection. We can connect through play, openness, humor, light hearts. We can learn through these things, too.

    If you are fretting over family, relationship, being disconnected from the magic of life, and have been stalking clarity like a hungry lion, please drop the striving now. Allow your instincts to live in you again and activate your inner genii - One Who Knows Without Effort. With less effort, there will be a homecoming and a relaxation within. "You do not have to be good. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves," says poet Mary Oliver.

    Please let your love flow, even if it goes "nowhere." This act of courage will bring abundant creativity to your door and your mind will expand beyond what you "think" is possible. Love is meant to flow into the world.

    The key this month is to unlock the dormant sensual energy of your body, your true nature. Bring the senses alive. It is Spring. Can you meet the world and your self with your full aliveness? See, hear, feel, taste, touch, be present, listen, give and receive, with all of Life, as much as you can allow yourself to.

    Finally, give voice to your obstacles when you see them. Naming them will transform them.

    March ritual suggestion: Spend time in Nature with your Ancestors and Allies that is playful. You might take a walk or hike and invite them to be close and participate in your play or reverie.

    To schedule a personal divination or shamanic healing, click here.

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    Writer's picture: Erin Love's Monthly ReadingErin Love's Monthly Reading

    Ancestors in Water. The Ancestors and Allies are sounding a potent wake up call to us this month. They call on us to bring together our spiritual resources. These resources are our strength and have the power to renew and change the course of things. This is what is needed now. Wake up, dear one.

    Wake up the power of your mind. Dream what is possible, expand the mind beyond the ordinary.

    Wake up to magic. We are not alone. There is so much help available in the world of spirit. Don't let this connection be relegated to the realm of science fiction and fantasy.

    Wake up to your inner greatness. You (yes, you) are indeed special and have a unique presence that emanates from you. It is a mystery and it is just perfect to let it remain that way. You can, however, wake up this part of you by respecting it.

    Wake up to what has been handed down to you. You are an embodiment of the great ones who have gone before you. Carry their qualities well.

    The foundation for holding these spiritual resources is being in touch with the joy and wisdom of your physical body because this is where your light shines through.

    Now, the Ancestors and Allies are not finished. There is another potent message in this month's reading. Please keep listening. The Divine Feminine is speaking.

    Your personal healing is intimately linked with the love of the mothers and the grandmothers.

    We cannot heal without looking at the way we treat the feminine in our society, both now and in the past. (And all of us carry the feminine within).

    A key component of this is to understand that we are nourished by the feminine -

    literally and spiritually - and the Earth is the embodiment of the feminine and Mother.

    How are we treating her, how are we treating the mothers and grandmothers, and how are we treating our inner feminine? Where do we override nurturing? Where do we lack respect?

    How can we love like the mothers and grandmothers? How can we love like the Earth?

    This is how we heal.

    October ritual suggestion: Either in your home or a favorite place in nature, please call on the Ancestors and Allies to join you. Tell them your intention is to listen from your heart. Give yourself time to get quiet. Introduce yourself to the Earth and the wise women grandmothers. Then "listen" for a word, image, feeling or conversation with them. Allow at least 10 minutes for this. Then bring things to a close by thanking them.

    If you would like a personal divination or shamanic healing session, please look at my schedule here.

    Becoming Visionary: A 6-week class on the Art of Shamanic Practice begins November 2, 2020. Spaces are still available. #shamanichealing #becomingvisionary #erinlovehealing

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    © 2022 Erin Love         Photography by Pacha

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