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  • Writer's pictureErin Love's Monthly Reading

Ancestors in Earth. There is a puzzle to solve this month. A beautiful puzzle that involves finding the missing link to your sense of wholeness and belonging. This is a calling home from the Ancestors and Allies. It is a message for you to rest in yourself and find peace in yourself. This is your "home" and also where the spark of your genius will come from.

This month is a time that will allow you to advance in the important discovery of what makes you feel nourished. Do not look outside for this, or be overwhelmed at the task. The key lies in a self love that feeds you and feeds the child within you. What does the child within need to feel at home within you? What does your sovereign adult need?

Love is at the center of all things.

The journey this month lies in an inquiry around what is true now about who you are and what you offer to the world. This is your personal medicine. How has it evolved recently? Waking up to what is true now will bring clarity. In the clarity and embrace of who you are now is your brightness. Let it shine.

The Ancestors and Allies would like you to see that the work you do - the work any of us do -

is tied to the land and is influenced by the spirits of the land where you live. Do not forget that we live and work in relationship with spirits in our home, in nature and on the land. Acknowledge those relationships from time to time with your words, smiles, songs, presence, gratitude and offerings. It will be appreciated.

As for your closest relationship, open your mind to allow for new possibilities and use authentic communication. Creativity is the foundation that is needed.

Lastly, a simple and important message: Take good care of your physical health and body! Find the time or schedule you need to make that a priority.

September ritual suggestion: This is a meditation with the Ancestors and Allies. Invite their help and presence and take time in stillness feeling your love resting in you - resting in your whole body - with the goal of nourishing yourself. Do this until you feel still and nourished. Thank them for their presence and witness to your coming home to yourself.

If you would like to schedule a personal divination to see the soul map of your life or a shamanic healing, please click here


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  • Writer's pictureErin Love's Monthly Reading

Ancestors in Nature near Earth. The Ancestors and Allies call our attention to the power of transformation that comes through Love. They are asking us to take our love and make it an active love. Part of this transformation requires us to be in a primary relationship with our "voice." Our voice can be literal, coming through in the words we say to others, in expressing our truth and it can also indicate our relationship to the inner voice. Do we speak to ourselves as we would speak to the Ancestors and Allies, or to a beloved? Do we speak with the voice of Love? If we explore and find that we need to make changes here, as always, they are here to support us and will communicate with us if we listen.

A radical shift can happen if we embrace the flow of life and the flow of our personal medicine (our offering to the world and who we naturally are). Flow with who you are. This is the key. Flow implies that we are not resisting; we are finding fluidity. The Ancestors and Allies nudge us to "lighten up" here! There is an abundance of gifts that we have and carry.

The adversary to our independence will try to get close to the stronghold of our wisdom this month and requires decisive action to clear it away. When you see or feel the presence of foreign energy (energy that is not you and is not wanted), name it and send it away. This will usually happen on an energetic level, so what you're doing here is keeping your domain safe and clear. Don't let unwanted or unexamined energies undermine your spiritual resources or planning. Be the master of your personal space by being aware of this.

We can wake up this month by recognizing the sacred collaboration between our eros, our heart's desire for service and devotion to others and the way that we emanate light. Bringing these elements together within will generate brightness and brilliance that blesses many.

You have established a clear foundation of affinity with your Ancestors and Allies that brings your genius alive. Well done.

Lastly, we are being encouraged to get out of the house and explore the other arenas of life this month!

Ritual suggestion: Take a walk to a nearby river, lake or stream and speak to the water spirits and your Ancestor and Ally team. Bring an offering for them because they are offering to lend you a hand this month. The invitation is to tell them where you need help finding your strength.

If you would like to schedule a personal divination or shamanic healing, please go here.

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  • Writer's pictureErin Love's Monthly Reading

Ancestors in Water. We are in the flow of our power, grace and brilliance. Our strength with the Ancestors and Allies is chasing the shadow away, allowing the shadow to be worn away by our commitment to peace. We have done well to put space between ourselves and its influence for the time being. Let us remain committed to our work to stay brilliant and connected with our Allies and Ancestors.

This month is a time for listening to the bells of your creativity and inviting them to engage with you. Know that creativity comes from the heaven within, and your creativity is heaven expressing itself uniquely through you. Keep calling, keep listening, to your creative muse.

Personal healing is your dance with deep wisdom this month. Explore your depths gently, with precision and structure. The wisest path is whatever draws you deeper into your own depths. Make space for this to happen. Schedule time with yourself to go beneath the surface. It will not happen if you do not make space for it.

Your work in the world is aligned with your personal medicine and with community. It is okay to take a rest or a retreat from being the bridge for a while.

If there is something that is waiting to yet be transformed this month it is the narratives around your body and your erotic nature. Time spent being solo and being at home in nature will allow your strength to accumulate and bring clarity to your path.

The keys are freedom and finding your own natural and untamed way.

You are at the center of your life this month. Love is your companion. Radical transformation along the lines of a deep homecoming is here. There is an invitation to a new perspective. Turn your head upside down and see what the world looks like that way! Everything is different.

Ritual suggestion: Make a ritual offering of gratitude to your Ancestors, Allies and Life, to thank them for all of their support, love and guidance. You can bring them flowers, create a mandala, leave a feast out for them, sing to them or find something else special that calls to you as a way to say thank you.

To have your own personal divination or shamanic healing session, schedule here.

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